Welcome to Dee's Pad

My life as a writer, and as a wife, mother, and grandmother.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Myrtle Sue's family

Today I'd like to talk about my novel Home Sweet Home. I really want to change the title, maybe to something like Gammy's teapot, or White lights and Gammy's teapot--maybe too long.

My story is a woman's fiction. It is about Myrtle Sue Henderson who is widowed. Her mother-in-law gets kicked out of the senior's home. Her daughter, Presley, is in an abusive relationship with her alcoholic husband. Daughter Michelle isn't married and learns she's pregnant. Son Sammy still owes Myrtle Sue for his well, but is having too much fun partying to pay her back.

Myrtle Sue realizes she's to blame for her children't behavior. She allowed her husband to rule her just like her daughters allow the men in their life to rule them.

When Myrtle Sue meets Michael, she realizes she's ready to have a relationship with a man. But she can't expect any man to put up with her crazy family.

Daughter Presley and two children move in with Myrtle Sue. MIL from hell also lives with her. Daughter Michelle thinks her mother should quit work and babysit for her unborn baby.

Myrtle Sue inherited teapots from her great-grandmother, grandmother and mother. They always used two teapots that were given to them. They put the names of folks they thought needed a good dose of comeuppance in one pot. The other pot is for those who need help--or good vibes sent their way.

I'd like to post a few pages here maybe tomorrow.

Hope everyone is having a good day.


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