Happy New Year! My how the days fly by fast.
Hurricane Emma turned 4 years old on December 18. Sophie, her niece, was born on December 20. How's that to mess up Christmas? Both girls will be getting all their stuff at one time and then nothing the rest of the year!
Anyhow, Sophie is fine. She was breach and Ashley had to have emergency C-section.
I got Emma a cute dress for her birthday, long sleeves, little necklace attached. On Christmas Day she wanted to wear it. Autumn had her cute dress and cowboy boots on and was proud of her cute little self and didn't want to get dirty. The kids went outside and were jumping off the deck into the sand. Larry has slowly been disassembling the deck since we sold the pool to our neighbor. But his shoulder is giving fits and it isn't done yet.
That's when I realized I should've bought Emma bib overalls and a flannel shirt. Emma jumped off the deck and rolled around in the sand. Her cute little necklace was ripped off her dress--she said her older brother did it, but who knows.
Autumn is out on the deck talking about her pretty dress and her new boots and how she didn't want to get dirty. Both girls are 4 years old. So she steps on a board at the end of the deck and like an old movie, the board comes up and hits her and knocks her into the sand. She cried, so worried about ruining her dress. And then she said, "It's all Emma's fault! She cut off those screws and made me fall."
Including the kids we had 25 here. That week I cooked and baked and cleaned and baked and was happy when things were back to normal--or as normal as anything in our household can be.
Noah is two years old now. We have an old metal yellow school bus that I bought 11 years ago for Carson to play with. Noah loves that beat up old toy. The week after Christmas and even on Christmas Day with all the trucks he got he still wanted the bus. He lost it and we looked everywhere for it. Where he found it we don't know! Somewhere where he hid it, I guess!
Sterling is army crawling and except when he has a tummy ache, he's a good baby.
The boys are all hooked on those game things. Give them money and that and they are happy.
The older girls and grown girls in the family got stuff from Bath and Body so they should all smell really good!
Shelby and her boyfriend, Josh, spent the afternoon here. They stuffed the teddy bears Autumn and Emma got from someone. The kids all had a good time. The adults all ate and ate and took a lot of the fattening desserts home for which I was glad.
Now it's back to work and back to writing. Home Sweet Home is finished with the exception of getting the recipes in the right spots of the family gatherings. I'll post another chapter of HSH next week. Please let me know what you think of the story-well unless you really hate it!